The baritone saxophone is one of the most popular saxophone variants, known for its deep pitch and ability to play both low and high notes.
But how wide is its range, exactly?
The baritone saxophone’s range is broad. It can play very low notes such as low A or low B flat, but it can also hit some high notes up to a high F-sharp, making it a very versatile instrument overall.
While a bari sax will commonly play bass lines in different ensembles, they can also carry many melodies on their own.
The rest of this article will tell you everything you need to know about a baritone saxophone’s range, so you can better understand the abilities of this awesome instrument!
Table of Contents
What Is the Range of Notes a Bari Sax Can Hit?

Some baritone saxophones can play low A as their lowest note, and some can only reach low B-flat. The highest note a baritone saxophone can hit is typically a high F-sharp.
To reach these low and high notes, many saxophones– including the baritone– will have keys specifically in place to make that possible.
For example, most modern baritones have a high F-sharp key and a low A key.
This video gives a great example of the very broad range of notes and just overall wonderful sounds a bari sax can make:
How Many Individual Notes Can a Bari Sax Play?
A bari sax can play about 3 octaves of individual notes. An octave has 12 notes: A, B-flat, B, C, C-sharp, D, D-sharp, E, F, F-sharp, G, A-flat, and then it goes back to A again.
While the most common range is 3 octaves, some experienced players can reach 4 octaves.
However, playing even 3 octaves of notes is difficult, and requires immense skill and lots of practice!
Tips on How To Hit the Extra Low Notes
One of the best parts about playing the baritone saxophone is the ability to play really low notes.
However, as most bari sax players agree, it can be tricky to learn how to hit the extra low notes.
It requires a lot of practice and concentration because you need to memorize special fingerings and have perfect embouchure to be able to do so.
Here are my tips on how to hit the extra low notes.
Memorize Low Note Fingerings
As I mentioned before, playing low notes will require different fingerings.
If you’re unfamiliar with the fingerings required for each low note, I highly recommend printing out a fingering chart and practicing so you can memorize them.
This will make it a lot easier for you to reach those low notes!
Practice Low Note Embouchure
One of the most important parts of hitting those extra low notes is practicing low note embouchure.
If you want to be able to reach those deeper notes, you need to have a specific embouchure to be able to do so.
You typically need to open your jaw and throat a bit more to allow more air to blow into the instrument, and you also need to adjust the grip your lips have on the mouthpiece.
While watching YouTube videos with visual instructions will definitely help, the best thing you can do is experiment with your embouchure through practice to find a positioning that works best for your mouth’s shape.
Perfect Your Posture
Perfecting your posture is one of the best things you can do to improve your range as a baritone saxophone player.
Posture is critical because it determines how your lungs control the air you receive. Without the correct posture, it can be challenging to blow enough air into the instrument to hit those low notes.
You should be sitting up straight with both feet planted firmly on the ground.
Tips for Hitting the High Notes With Good Tone
While it’s incredible to reach those extra low notes on the baritone saxophone, it’s also very rewarding to hit the high notes.
Because the bari sax was designed to be able to hit low notes, it can be a true challenge to reach the high ones!
The basic tips for hitting high notes are similar to those for hitting the extra low notes, but you do need to tailor these tips for high notes.
Here’s how you can hit the high notes while sounding good.
Practice High Note Embouchure
The embouchures required to play low and mid-range notes are entirely different from the embouchure needed to reach high notes.
To reach high notes, you need to tighten your embouchure and adjust your lip’s positioning to achieve the pitch and sound you want to obtain.
The best thing you can do to improve your high note embouchure is practice.
Identify and Memorize High Note Fingerings
As with the low notes, you need to memorize high note fingerings.
While you can sometimes go up an octave with a simple embouchure change, this isn’t always possible with the really high notes, and it can decrease your sound quality.
By memorizing the high note fingerings, you can maintain good sound and hit those high notes with ease.
Don’t Slouch When You Play
Posture is not only crucial for low notes but for high notes as well.
Without proper posture, it will be very challenging to control your breath in a way that will allow you to reach those very high notes without sacrificing sound quality.
If you play your instrument while slouching, it can be difficult to control your breath.
Final Thoughts
While the baritone saxophone is known and favored for its low notes, it has a pretty broad range, and it actually has the ability to play some high notes as well, with the lowest being a low A and the highest being a high F-sharp.
With the proper technique and lots of practice, you can learn how to accurately play high and low notes while maintaining good sound!